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Our family moved to the suburbs of New York City in 2009 from Europe. We were amazed by the area’s beauty and the friendliness of the people. As we were exploring our new country, we were expecting a lot of high quality locally grown food from the farms of the pristine Hudson Valley. However, finding tasty, healthy, and locally grown and raised products proved to be more difficult than we thought. Organic products, available in grocery stores, were often trucked or flown in from thousands of miles away. Our family sought a more local and personal choice. We wanted the products of farms that surrounded our area, from farmers whom we could meet and talk to.

The people’s mindset about food started to change, so did the availability of fresh, organic, and local products. More people wanted to know where their food was coming from and were looking for local products - we wanted to offer them a choice.

We started to look for a farm in the proximity of New York City, where people are growing food for themselves and for their communities, eating local, healthy food.

In 2017, we found a small farm in the heart of Hudson Valley, in Hudson NY. Our dreams started to become true.

And FontePuro was born…

we became an integral part of a health-cautious and Earth-friendly community of the Hudson Valley.